14 February, 2020

Posted in : Factoids, Music Minute, Weekly Vignette on WCRN 830 AM on by : Out With Joe

On this wee’s Out With Joe.. Joe looks at some dining out fun facts and of course what is Hot & Happening on the local music scene with Music Editor Tina Marie Billing

Fun Facts about Dining Out

4.5 Number of times per week the average American eats out. (not including breakfast)

$36 The average amount spent, per person, when eating out.

$324 One couple’s cost of eating out, per week, according to the first two statistics.

18.9% The average tip.

$2.36 billion How much more Americans spent on restaurants than groceries in 2016, the first time in U.S. history that spending on dining exceeded spending on cooking.

20% The estimated number of American meals that are eaten in the car.

$2,639 Amount the average millennial spends eating out per year.

28%Percentage of Millennials’ disposable income spent on eating out.

85% People who have or would plan a vacation around eating at a certain restaurant.

It seems the millennial definitely views dining out as more of a social experience than basic subsistence. You can see this shift in the preference towards the upscale atmosphere of Chipotle and Noodles & Company, rather than the baby boomers’ preferred McDonalds and Burger Kings.

… out with Joe would suggest we focus our dining bucks back to things that bring us happiness. How about trading five $10 lunches for one delicious $30 meal at the end of the week, and pocketing the difference?

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